30 Blacklight Springtails (Lepidocyrtus cf. violaceus)
A semi-arid species with scales that reflect a color similar to that of a blacklight.
Blacklight Springtails make for an eye catching addition to the cleanup crew in semi-dry or moderate humidity enclosures. See the Cleanup Crew Guides for more information: www.springtails.us/cleanup-crew-guides
Culture Blacklight Springtails on soil with a moisture gradient and moderate ventilation. Feed yeast, dry rice, or Springtails US springtail food mixes. See the Care Guides for more information: www.springtails.us/care-guides
Current restock schedule: Weekly (usually Tuesday nights).
Ships on damp paper towel. See the "Springtail Shipping Methods" section on the FAQ page to learn why I use paper towel and how to transfer them to a culture.
Originally collected by Ryne of Springtails US amid washed up vegetation on a Minnesota lakeshore. Ecosystem preference unknown until a species level ID is obtained. Range/distribution unknown until a species level ID is obtained.
Adult size: ~1.5mm
Identification: Awaiting microscopic analysis.