50 Lilac & Yellow Springtails Mixed Culture “F1” (Ceratophysella sp Lilac)
A mixed culture of Ceratophysella sp “Lilac” and the albino morph of the species isolated by Ryne of Springtails US. This culture is derived from the F1 generation of the albino isolation project. The “F1” have been breeding true to about 50/50 yellow and lilac since February of 2023. This line also produces white albinos and albinos with pigemented eyes.
Current restock schedule: Weekly (usually Tuesday nights).
This beautiful species is easy to culture and beginner friendly for anybody looking to get into keeping pet springtails.
Good cleanup crew potential for moist and humid environments. See the "Cleanup Crew Guide"
See "Care Guides" section for species specific care information.
Ships on Springtail Clay, can be cultured in the cup they ship in.
Original collection data unknow. Ecosystem preference unknown until a species level ID is obtained. Range/distribution unknown until a species level ID is obtained.
Max size: ~2.1mm
Identification: Confirmed to genus level, awaiting microscopic analysis for species level ID.