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50 Lilac Springtails (Ceratophysella sp)

In stock: 4 available
Product Details

This beautiful species is easy to culture and beginner friendly for anybody looking to get into keeping pet springtails. Sold elsewhere as "Purple Springtails" or “Purple Podura” but we choose to reserve the name “purple” for when an even more purple species enters the hobby. This species produces albinism frequently in culture and Springtails US has isolated the morph.


Ceratophysella sp Lilac is a great cleanup crew choice for humid or moist environments. They have a great appetite for cleaning up waste and leftover food. See the Cleanup Crew Guides for more information:


Culture Ceratophysella sp Lilac on Springtail Clay, soil, or Springtail Plaster. Feed yeast, dry rice, or Springtails US springtail food mixes. See the Care Guides for more information:


Current restock schedule: Weekly (usually Tuesday nights).


Ships on Springtail Clay, can be cultured in the cup they ship in.


Original collection data unknow. Ecosystem preference unknown until a species level ID is obtained. Range/distribution unknown until a species level ID is obtained.


Max size: ~2.1mm


Identification: Confirmed to genus level, awaiting microscopic analysis for species level ID.

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50 Lilac Springtails (Ceratophysella sp)
Customer reviews on “50 Lilac Springtails (Ceratophysella sp)”
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2 reviews
Tegan B.
United States
Jan 26, 2025
The springtails came alive and healthy! They laid many egg clutches during shipping which are starting to hatch! They are doing well on their original clay culture, and the soil culture I set up for them. Very prosperous!
Cameron B.
United States
Nov 27, 2024
Absolutely stunning!
Show all 2 reviews
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