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Having springtails living in the soil of your potted plants is a great way to keep down dangerous mold and further break down the organic matter in the potting soil into fertile and usable soil for the plants.

But it is important to stick only with species that won't have any potential of harming your plants. One type I have proven is Lepidocyrtus sp "Micro Gold." These Lepidocyrtus are small and gentle with the ability to roam onto the dry soil between watering. Other Lepidocyrtus sp would also work great.

Below are other species proven with plants although they are all best for soils which are consistently damp:
Onychiurinae sp "LSS" 
Folsomia candida "Common White"
Proisotoma minuta "Blue Podura"
Arrhhopalites caecus "Globular Cave Springtail"
Desoria trispinata "Blue Velvet" 

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