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Customer reviews on “100 Common White Springtails (Folsomia Candida)”
Reviews only from verified customers
Reviews are only accepted from verified customers who have signed in and purchased the products. This ensures that each review is based on genuine customer experiences. All reviews are checked before publication to prevent spam.
4 reviews
Michael H.
United States
I just wanted to say thank you so much for helping me get this order together. I have ordered quite a few packages of bugs and frogs and I think yours had to be packed the best! It sat in Memphis more than a day and we have had sub freezing temps so I wasn’t too sure it was going to make it. Also, the culture is just absolutely booming!
Brianna L.
United States
Absolutely amazing. Went with this after three batches of dead colonies from chain and local pet stores and another online seller. I love how this seller: -Ships species that do well in clay cultures in the clay cultures themselves. This was incredibly helpful and reliable. -The shipping was done with a lot of care, and that shows with the product. -Springtails arrived alive, bouncy, and there were already some spawn in the cultures. This will be the only place I get springtails from now. Absolutely love!
Cameron B.
United States
Always gives me more than I pay for!
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