50 Blue Velvet Springtails (Desoria trispinata) Chicago, IL Locality
This species fluoresces a vibrant blue under UV light (photographed under 365nm UV). In normal lighting they have a visible blue coloration and tiny hairs that give the appearance of velvet. This is the Chicago, Illinois locale and while there is no difference in appearance or behavior between this and the original Orr, Minnesota locale, a distinction between localities should still be maintained within the hobby.
Current restock schedule: October 2024.
Good cleanup crew option for moist/humid environments. See our "Cleanup Crew Guide"
Ships on damp paper towel. See our "Springtail Shipping Methods" section on the FAQ page to learn why we use paper towel and how to transfer them to a culture.
See "Care Guides" section for species specific care information.
Originally collected by Springtails US on moist soil near a pond in Chicago, Illinois. This Chicago locality was introduced to the US hobby November 28th 2023, all members of this species previously sold in the US are the Orr locality.
Common in soil ecosystems. Range/distribution global. This population may be unique; a population in culture in Europe has not shown UV fluorescence.
Adult size: ~1.5mm
Identification: Confirmed via habitus and UV fluorescence. Pending microscopic evaluation.
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