50 Pearlescent Springtails (Lepidocyrtus sp)
The shiniest species I carry. Their scales have a pearlescent shimmer.
Pearlescent Springtails are a great cleanup crew for all sorts of moderate to high humidity enclosures and do well alongside other springtails that aren't extremely fast breeding. See the Cleanup Crew Guides for more information: www.springtails.us/cleanup-crew-guides
Culture Pearlescent Springtails on Springtail Clay, soil, or Springtail Plaster. Feed yeast, dry rice, or Springtails US springtail food mixes. See the Care Guides for more information: www.springtails.us/care-guides
Current restock schedule: Weekly (usually Tuesday nights).
Ships on damp paper towel. See the "Springtail Shipping Methods" section on the FAQ page to learn why I use paper towel and how to transfer them to a culture.
Originally collected by Ryne of Springtails US from commercial compost in Illinois. Ecosystem preference unknown until a species level ID is obtained. Range/distribution unknown until a species level ID is obtained.
Adult size: ~1.5mm
Identification: Awaiting microscopic analysis.