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Customer reviews on “50 Wood Runner Springtails (Entomobrya sp)”
Reviews only from verified customers
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4 reviews
Duc N.
College Station,
United States
Extremely nice packaging and springtails
Susie S.
United States
Even though II had watched videos and seen pictures, I truly had no idea how small these little ones were! They are tiny and fast and plentiful! I have a feeling I got much more than 50. They were packaged very carefully and were shipped with a lot of isopods as well! Now that I've adjusted and got my little community going, I think this will work out just like I had hoped! This is a fun new project for me and something I never imagined before. I'm 62 and just goes to show you that you can teach an old dog new tricks!
Jon C.
United States
These are nice arid species. They are pretty active.
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